5 master edits with sound


Direct Sound: In this scence I kept in the original sound. I did this because the original sound let the audience hear both the footsteps, and our diolauge when we see eachother in the middle. This lets the auidence feel as if they are right there watching us greet eachother.

Voice over: In this scene I did a voice over. I did this so the audience can hear what my though process was during both of these clips. For example, the audience can hear my relaxed thoughts in the first clip, compared to my rushed and nervous thoughts in the second clip.


Music: I put the star wars theme music in these scene. I tried my best to line up the change in the music to when I cut from the trojan logo to the statue. I chose this part of the song because it gives off the emotion of an upgrade as when the music changes to a more louder and up-beat style, it shows the scene going from a little logo to a big statue.

Non-Diegetic: In this scene I used  a non-diegetic sound which was a crowded hallway. I used to this to convey a feeling that althoug I could not hear it due to me having my headphones in, it showed that behind me it was crowded full of people and that I was in a busy part of the school.

Music: In this scene I used the pink panther theme song. I put this song because that theme song is usually known for sneaking out or doing something you are not supposed to be doing. So putting this song in a scene where I am sneaking out of school showed conveyed the emotion and suspense of sneaking out.


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