week 3&4: camera angles in major motion pictures

This first shot is a point of view shot. In this scene, Sid was about to burn Woody, but right before Woody and his gang manage to fight back and prevent Sid from doing anything. Since Woody was still in his hands, the camera turned to Sid’s point of view and showed Woody get very angry and telling him to play nice. Having this being said while being in Sid’s point of view helps get the message across that Woody actually meant business and was angry at Sid for trying to do what he did.

This is a medium-long shot. In this scene, all of the toy gang finally decide that Sid has done enough torture to them and finally decide to stick up against him. They decided that they have power in numbers, so they decide to all go confront him at once. Having this scene being done as a medium-long shot was very smart in my opinion as it let the scene show its full nature and show all of the gang and Sid’s reaction to their actions.

This shot is a reaction shot. In this scene, Sid is about to light a match that was attached to Buzz’s back, which would have sent him flying into the air. Right as he is about to do that, he hears some noise, and when he looks up he sees Woody and the rest of the toy gang right there in his garden ready to attack. This shocked Sid which made him stop what he was about to do to Buzz. Being able to see Sid’s reaction up close made it feel as he if he was truly scared of the toys and the fear that entered into him at that very moment.

This scene is a birds-eye view scene. In this scene, Sid is in his back yard preparing to light Buzz into the air. It shows him grabbing all of the necessary tools he would need, and also showed him walking in a hurry from side to side in his backyard looking for the things he would need. Having a birds-eye view shot in this scene lets the viewer see how fast and how badly Sid wants to do this.

This scene is an over the shoulder scene. In this scene, it shows Woody and his girlfriend talking to each other. They talk very romantically to each other and make subtle adult jokes that kids would not understand. Having a over the shoulder shot, especially in this scene, makes their conversation much more intimate and romantic, and it sort of makes you feel the energy that the two create just by talking to each other.



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