Film Viewing Practice Essay "Agent Carter"

The scene first opens with a flashback that is between Peggy Carter and Captain America, in this scene Peggy believes that she lost Captain America forever which affected her a lot after his death. The background music sets the tone of the opening scene, the dramatic orchestra music shows the extremely sad moment that they are sharing together. The eye level shots of both the characters allows us to see the emotion they hold in their faces and how hard it is for both of them to say goodbye to each other. Next, the dolly shot is then used to slowly back away from Peggy crying, showing the emotional instability that she will be going through for the rest of the movie. The next scene that is shown after the fade transition is placed in a business room. In this scene the audience can both hear and see alarms going off in the room. This puts the audience in a confused state without much clue of what is going on when what seems to be a professional office work place has blaring alarms. After this scene, there is a jump cut to a man talking on a telephone where the disorder is going on. After the alarms stop the audience is able to realize that the alarms meant that oncoming missions would be coming in and would be assigned by the boss himself. The problem that lied in this scene with Peggy is that she was mistreated by everyone else in the room. They made Peggy do unnecessary work that could have been done by themselves, and another example is how Peggy was never chosen to complete any of the missions that had been assigned by the boss due to the fact that she was different that everyone in the room, which she was very upset by all of this as she eagerly wanted to finally be a part of the team. With all this going on in the scene it makes everyone feel a sense of sympathy for Peggy especially from the previous scene with Captain America. In the next scene Peggy stays in the office to make up the work that the boss had left for her when another alarm starts to blare, once Peggy realizes she has an opportunity to make a difference in her career she takes it and decides to take on the mission, even though the boss did not assign her it. Peggy picks up the phone and takes the mission head on without anyone knowing. In the scene following, there is a mix of nondiegetic and diegetic sound because you can hear the song playing in the background lightly to change the mood away from all of the alarms and loud sounds but the audience can also hear the action that is going on when Peggy is fighting the two men outside of the assigned mission. These different sounds help change the mood for the audience and led them to think about why all this commotion is going on in the first place and what had happened in the first place, this both deals with the alarm confusion and the music that plays during Peggy's fight with the two men. After Peggy fights off the two men, she is left to deal with the zodiac who she was originally assigned to. Once the zodiac realizes his men were not able to make Peggy go away he tries fight her himself. Once he exits the building to find Peggy missing, Peggy puts her weapon to the zodiac's head and tells him to drop his weapon while off the screen. Another important piece of information that was in this clip was the mis en scene, in this clip we see that the outfits worn by all of the characters seem to be from a generation that is older than ours. Another piece of mis en scene could be the use of older telephones that were in the office of Peggy's boss. A main piece of mis en scene that is used in this video is the attire of each character, with the outfits each character shown we can tell that the setting of this show is in the past.


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