Week 7 Editing
photos of the computer/phone screen during editing (at least 3 each week)
photos of the students involved in editing (at least 1 each week)
a discussion about titles and fonts you decided to put into your movie
I also used the text named "Verdana" for captions in the film's middle and end parts. I used "Verdana" and "Tw Cen MT condensed" fonts for the starring text. And I still used the same text fonts because it fits the video better.
a discussion of the video effects used a discussion of the video transitions used
a discussion of the audio effects used
The video effects that I used were simple text effects like making the text move again and using it as transitions. The audio effects that I used was people taking pictures.
problems encountered during editing
Some of the background audio wasn't loud enough
solutions to problems encountered during editing
I fixed it by looking it up on youtube on how to fix it and I fixed it.
amount of time spent editing
2-3 hours
names of people involved in editing
a discussion of additional filming you may have done because of discoveries during editing
I learned to put different audio effects in the video, so I put some. For example, I put a sound effect of the bell ringing.
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